(Algorithms & Data Structures)
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[http://ww3.algorithmdesign.net/handouts/ http://ww3.algorithmdesign.net/handouts/]
[http://ww3.algorithmdesign.net/handouts/ http://ww3.algorithmdesign.net/handouts/]
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Revision as of 21:59, 18 April 2016

New Syllabus

Heads Up! These books are recommended for a good understanding of Computer Science subjects which is very essential for GATE. For each subject you may choose ANY ONE of the books and not all
Please see  Video Lectures for video lectures

Relevant Chapters From Standard Books

These are taken from this link given by Ravi Shankar Mishra AIR 1- GATE CSE 2015
GATE SyllabusBook NameAuthor NameEditionRelevant Chapters

Engineering Mathematics




Digital Logic

Morris Mano




Dennis Richie



Data Structures and Algorithms




Theory of Computation

Peter Linz



Computer Networks

Kurose & Ross



Computer Organization and Architecture

Carl Hamacher



Operating System








Compiler Design

Aho& Ullman



Algorithms & Data Structures



Introduction to Algorithms C.L.R.S

Cormen covers entire GATE syllabus (and much more) in Algorithms as well as Data Structures. Language is simple for most part but some mathematics is required to understand the analysis parts. (This book is only for learning algorithms and theory of data structures and there is no sample programs given in it)

Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Rajasekaran, Sahni, Horowitz

Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples Michael T. Goodrich

This book is Mini version of Cormen’s book , this cover almost everything with short discussions ,which is written in Cormen with more pages.

Use this book along with NPTEL lecture of Professor Naveen Garg . Actually if u see prof Garg’s Nptel upon DS you will find slides are taken from this book. Slides are available online in the following link:


Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman

Another classic book for algorithms- See the reviews in Amazon

Algorithm Design Eva Tardos, Jon Kleinberg

Develops the intuition behind algorithms with excellent examples. Dynamic programming and Greedy algorithm are explained best. Many consider this to be better and more approachable than CLRS. This book and CLRS are the only two you'll ever need, even without a tutor.


Webpage for Databases



Database Systems Elmasri, Navathe

Covers entire GATE syllabus and especially good for file structures and normalization

Database Systems Connolly, Begg

Covers entire GATE syllabus and is easy to understand.

Database Management Systems Raghu Ramakrishnan

Another very good book especially for Transaction management and Normalization.

Database System Widom, Ullman, Garcia-Molina

Another very good book.

Database System Concepts Silberschatz

Very good book but English is bit high standard

Compiler Design

Webpage for Compiler Design



Compilers : Principles, Techniques, & Tools Aho, Sethi, Ulman, Lam

One and only book. If you find the explanations tough, start looking at the given examples, they are easy to follow
"Compiler Design in C"

Allen I Holub

A more practical and example oriented approach toward compilers. You'll actually be able to construct a compiler after reading this. The perfect supplement to the "Dragon


Operating Systems

Webpage for Operating systems



Operating System Concepts Silberschatz, Galvin

Very good for learning theory in OS. English is good to understand. Writing style is pretty easy and fun. Enough for GATE

Modern Operating Systems Tanenbaum

The Book , but if you read Galvin it is ok , read Tanenbaum for more Knowledge. It contains great number of problems. Also includes some of theory that is not included in Galvin’s book.

Operating Systems : Internals and Design Principles William Stallings

Strikes the perfect balance between theory and implementation. Galvin makes OS look too easy, which it isn't. To the uninitiated, Tanenbaum may bog you down in implementation specific details, so much so that at times, you may loose sight of the forest a midst the trees. This book paired with Tanenbaum strikes the perfect balance.

Theory of Computation

Webpage for Theory of Computation



An Introduction To Formal Languages and Automata Peter Linz

Most recommended one for GATE

Introduction to Theory of Computation Sipser

Sipser is a quick and comprehensive guide. It is recommended to be read after you have grip on the subject.

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation Hopcroft

In most colleges you will find this book as a Main book, but believe me, if you read Linz, Enough!

CO & Architecture

Webpage for CO & Architecture



Computer Organization Vranesic, Zaky, Hamacher

Most recommended one and cache memory and pipelines are described well.

Computer Organization and Design Hennessy, Patterson

This is the preferred text in most top institutions of India. Even NPTEL IIT D lectures are based on it. That book is simply awesome, right from Basics to pipelining and advanced topics.

Computer Organization and Architecture : Designing for Performance Stallings

Another good book.
Computer Systems : An Integrated Approach to Architecture and Operating Systems


Among two of the best introductions to this subject, the other one being by Carl Hamacher.
Computer Systems: A Programmers perspective This is a really good book in perspective of architecture as a simple view of how the actual hardware is organised is given. Apart from the classical confusing diagrams, this book has simple ones which is quite clear in its meaning. The explanation for pipeline execution and hazards are really good. This book is no longer in print, but you can get its pdf by clicking in the link provided. Highly recommended if you have time as this covers many of the other CS subjects as well.

Computer Networks

Webpage for Computer Networks



Computer Networks

Peterson, Davie

Most recommended for GATE

Data Communication & Networks Forouzan

Good book with Basics clear

Computer Netwroks Tanenbaum, Wetherall

One can not neglect the amazing book by tanenbaum. It contains everything in a very well written way. It is amusing and it deals with issues in a manner you want to do. If you are starting the subject, go with it. It is not recommended for last time reading. Keep making good notes if you read his book.

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Kurose

Kurose is best for Almost all fundamental concept with clear figure and very understandable manners

Programming & Data Structures

Webpage for Programming & Data Structures



The C Programming Language Kernighan, Ritchie

No comments- This is the best. To really understand the working of C, you must read this book. If you find this book tough, that means you have to correct your concepts by talking to knowledgeable people. Many local books, skips difficult to digest concepts and make easy to read books- but to get everything you have to follow this book.

Data Structures Using C Aaron M. Tenenbaum

Recommended for data structure concepts. Most of the data structure concepts are covered in Cormen, but for those finding data structure problems difficult to do can use this book
Parameter Passing

University of Washington

This pdf describes parameter passing mechanisms in detail

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Roberto Tamassia Michael T. Goodrich

For those knowing Java, this book would be good to understand Data Structures

C Programming King

Can't praise this one highly enough. Wins hands down over K&R as both introductory and intermediate resource for learning C. Especially attractive are the "Q & A" sections, which highlight points that don't get a place in the conventional C literature. Even compares and contrasts the C99 standard with the classic "K&R" style C, wherever differences may arise. Has entire chapters dedicated to topics that don't even get mentioned in other books. Just take a look at one of the copies floating around online and you'll get the idea.

Pointers on C Kenneth Reek

Another gem of a book. Contrary to its name, this book is not only about pointers, though pointers get their significant share.

Understanding and Using C Pointers Richard Reese

If you got to have a book on pointers and memory management in C, this should be it, not the one by Kanetkar.

Digital Logic

Webpage for Digital logic



Digital Logic & Computer Design Morris Mano

No Comment… One and only…

Engineering Mathematics

Combinatory & Probability

Webpage for Combinatory

Webpage for Probability



A First Course in Probability Ross

Sheldon Ross’s book (1st course in Probability) is undoubtedly very good. But you have to read this book very deeply page by page.

Discrete Mathematics

Webpage for Mathematical logic

Webpage for Set Theory & Algebra



Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph Theory Rosen

Best book for Discrete Mathematics. Even covers Graph Theory and Mathematical logic portions for GATE.

Graph Theory

Webpage for Graph theory



Introduction to Graph Theory Douglas B. West

First 4 chapters are important for GATE

Graph Theory With Applications To Engineering And Computer Science Deo

Good and concise books. If you have followed this book during bachelors, then it is enough for GATE.

Linear Algebra

Webpage for Linear Algebra



Higher Engineering Mathematics Grewal

Grewal's book is sufficient for Linear Algebra in GATE (it is needed for other mathematical subjects)

Linear Algebra and its Applications Gilbert Strang

This is the best book for Linear algebra


Webpage for Calculus



Higher Engineering Mathematics Grewal

Enough for GATE

Gilbert Strang

Recommended for those who love Mathematics.

General Aptitude

This is for 15 marks and syllabus is not strictly told as core CS. So, I advise to solve 5 questions daily for 3-4 months. You can follow here for questions.

Numerical Ability

Webpage for Numerical Ability



Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations Aggarwal

Those having good aptitude skills can do without this book. But do refresh the problems in progression, cost-selling price etc. Questions in aptitude are easy but scoring in this topic is very important to the final GATE score.

Verbal Ability

Webpage for Verbal Ability



A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal

If your English is good enough no need to buy this book. But I recommend giving a little importance to this topic.

Some ebooks for download

New Syllabus[edit]

Heads Up! These books are recommended for a good understanding of Computer Science subjects which is very essential for GATE. For each subject you may choose ANY ONE of the books and not all
Please see  Video Lectures for video lectures

Relevant Chapters From Standard Books[edit]

These are taken from this link given by Ravi Shankar Mishra AIR 1- GATE CSE 2015
GATE SyllabusBook NameAuthor NameEditionRelevant Chapters

Engineering Mathematics




Digital Logic

Morris Mano




Dennis Richie



Data Structures and Algorithms




Theory of Computation

Peter Linz



Computer Networks

Kurose & Ross



Computer Organization and Architecture

Carl Hamacher



Operating System








Compiler Design

Aho& Ullman



Algorithms & Data Structures[edit]

Webpage for Algorithms

Webpage for Data structures



Introduction to Algorithms C.L.R.S

Cormen covers entire GATE syllabus (and much more) in Algorithms as well as Data Structures. Language is simple for most part but some mathematics is required to understand the analysis parts. (This book is only for learning algorithms and theory of data structures and there is no sample programs given in it)

Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Rajasekaran, Sahni, Horowitz

Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples Michael T. Goodrich

This book is Mini version of Cormen’s book , this cover almost everything with short discussions ,which is written in Cormen with more pages.

Use this book along with NPTEL lecture of Professor Naveen Garg . Actually if u see prof Garg’s Nptel upon DS you will find slides are taken from this book. Slides are available online in the following link:


Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman

Another classic book for algorithms- See the reviews in Amazon

Algorithm Design Eva Tardos, Jon Kleinberg

Develops the intuition behind algorithms with excellent examples. Dynamic programming and Greedy algorithm are explained best. Many consider this to be better and more approachable than CLRS. This book and CLRS are the only two you'll ever need, even without a tutor.


Webpage for Databases



Database Systems Elmasri, Navathe

Covers entire GATE syllabus and especially good for file structures and normalization

Database Systems Connolly, Begg

Covers entire GATE syllabus and is easy to understand.

Database Management Systems Raghu Ramakrishnan

Another very good book especially for Transaction management and Normalization.

Database System Widom, Ullman, Garcia-Molina

Another very good book.

Database System Concepts Silberschatz

Very good book but English is bit high standard

Compiler Design[edit]

Webpage for Compiler Design



Compilers : Principles, Techniques, & Tools Aho, Sethi, Ulman, Lam

One and only book. If you find the explanations tough, start looking at the given examples, they are easy to follow
"Compiler Design in C"

Allen I Holub

A more practical and example oriented approach toward compilers. You'll actually be able to construct a compiler after reading this. The perfect supplement to the "Dragon


Operating Systems[edit]

Webpage for Operating systems



Operating System Concepts Silberschatz, Galvin

Very good for learning theory in OS. English is good to understand. Writing style is pretty easy and fun. Enough for GATE

Modern Operating Systems Tanenbaum

The Book , but if you read Galvin it is ok , read Tanenbaum for more Knowledge. It contains great number of problems. Also includes some of theory that is not included in Galvin’s book.

Operating Systems : Internals and Design Principles William Stallings

Strikes the perfect balance between theory and implementation. Galvin makes OS look too easy, which it isn't. To the uninitiated, Tanenbaum may bog you down in implementation specific details, so much so that at times, you may loose sight of the forest a midst the trees. This book paired with Tanenbaum strikes the perfect balance.

Theory of Computation[edit]

Webpage for Theory of Computation



An Introduction To Formal Languages and Automata Peter Linz

Most recommended one for GATE

Introduction to Theory of Computation Sipser

Sipser is a quick and comprehensive guide. It is recommended to be read after you have grip on the subject.

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation Hopcroft

In most colleges you will find this book as a Main book, but believe me, if you read Linz, Enough!

CO & Architecture[edit]

Webpage for CO & Architecture



Computer Organization Vranesic, Zaky, Hamacher

Most recommended one and cache memory and pipelines are described well.

Computer Organization and Design Hennessy, Patterson

This is the preferred text in most top institutions of India. Even NPTEL IIT D lectures are based on it. That book is simply awesome, right from Basics to pipelining and advanced topics.

Computer Organization and Architecture : Designing for Performance Stallings

Another good book.
Computer Systems : An Integrated Approach to Architecture and Operating Systems


Among two of the best introductions to this subject, the other one being by Carl Hamacher.
Computer Systems: A Programmers perspective This is a really good book in perspective of architecture as a simple view of how the actual hardware is organised is given. Apart from the classical confusing diagrams, this book has simple ones which is quite clear in its meaning. The explanation for pipeline execution and hazards are really good. This book is no longer in print, but you can get its pdf by clicking in the link provided. Highly recommended if you have time as this covers many of the other CS subjects as well.

Computer Networks[edit]

Webpage for Computer Networks



Computer Networks

Peterson, Davie

Most recommended for GATE

Data Communication & Networks Forouzan

Good book with Basics clear

Computer Netwroks Tanenbaum, Wetherall

One can not neglect the amazing book by tanenbaum. It contains everything in a very well written way. It is amusing and it deals with issues in a manner you want to do. If you are starting the subject, go with it. It is not recommended for last time reading. Keep making good notes if you read his book.

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Kurose

Kurose is best for Almost all fundamental concept with clear figure and very understandable manners

Programming & Data Structures[edit]

Webpage for Programming & Data Structures



The C Programming Language Kernighan, Ritchie

No comments- This is the best. To really understand the working of C, you must read this book. If you find this book tough, that means you have to correct your concepts by talking to knowledgeable people. Many local books, skips difficult to digest concepts and make easy to read books- but to get everything you have to follow this book.

Data Structures Using C Aaron M. Tenenbaum

Recommended for data structure concepts. Most of the data structure concepts are covered in Cormen, but for those finding data structure problems difficult to do can use this book
Parameter Passing

University of Washington

This pdf describes parameter passing mechanisms in detail

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Roberto Tamassia Michael T. Goodrich

For those knowing Java, this book would be good to understand Data Structures

C Programming King

Can't praise this one highly enough. Wins hands down over K&R as both introductory and intermediate resource for learning C. Especially attractive are the "Q & A" sections, which highlight points that don't get a place in the conventional C literature. Even compares and contrasts the C99 standard with the classic "K&R" style C, wherever differences may arise. Has entire chapters dedicated to topics that don't even get mentioned in other books. Just take a look at one of the copies floating around online and you'll get the idea.

Pointers on C Kenneth Reek

Another gem of a book. Contrary to its name, this book is not only about pointers, though pointers get their significant share.

Understanding and Using C Pointers Richard Reese

If you got to have a book on pointers and memory management in C, this should be it, not the one by Kanetkar.

Digital Logic[edit]

Webpage for Digital logic



Digital Logic & Computer Design Morris Mano

No Comment… One and only…

Engineering Mathematics[edit]

Combinatory & Probability[edit]

Webpage for Combinatory

Webpage for Probability



A First Course in Probability Ross

Sheldon Ross’s book (1st course in Probability) is undoubtedly very good. But you have to read this book very deeply page by page.

Discrete Mathematics[edit]

Webpage for Mathematical logic

Webpage for Set Theory & Algebra



Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph Theory Rosen

Best book for Discrete Mathematics. Even covers Graph Theory and Mathematical logic portions for GATE.

Graph Theory[edit]

Webpage for Graph theory



Introduction to Graph Theory Douglas B. West

First 4 chapters are important for GATE

Graph Theory With Applications To Engineering And Computer Science Deo

Good and concise books. If you have followed this book during bachelors, then it is enough for GATE.

Linear Algebra[edit]

Webpage for Linear Algebra



Higher Engineering Mathematics Grewal

Grewal's book is sufficient for Linear Algebra in GATE (it is needed for other mathematical subjects)

Linear Algebra and its Applications Gilbert Strang

This is the best book for Linear algebra


Webpage for Calculus



Higher Engineering Mathematics Grewal

Enough for GATE

Gilbert Strang

Recommended for those who love Mathematics.

General Aptitude[edit]

This is for 15 marks and syllabus is not strictly told as core CS. So, I advise to solve 5 questions daily for 3-4 months. You can follow here for questions.

Numerical Ability[edit]

Webpage for Numerical Ability



Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations Aggarwal

Those having good aptitude skills can do without this book. But do refresh the problems in progression, cost-selling price etc. Questions in aptitude are easy but scoring in this topic is very important to the final GATE score.

Verbal Ability[edit]

Webpage for Verbal Ability



A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning Aggarwal

If your English is good enough no need to buy this book. But I recommend giving a little importance to this topic.

Some ebooks for download

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