
Book Description
Introduction to Algorithms, C.L.R.S. Cormen covers entire GATE syllabus (and much more) in Algorithms as well as Data Structures. Language is simple for most part but some mathematics is required to understand the analysis parts. (This book is only for learning algorithms and theory of data structures and there is no sample programs given in it)
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Rajasekaran, Sahni, Horowitz This book is Mini version of Cormen’s book , this cover almost everything with short discussions ,which is written in Cormen with more pages.

Use this book along with NPTEL lecture of Professor Naveen Garg . Actually if u see prof Garg’s Nptel upon DS you will find slides are taken from this book. Slides are available online in the following link:

Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman Another classic book for algorithms.


Book Desciption
Database Systems, Elmasri, Navathe Covers entire GATE syllabus and especially good for file structures and normalization
Database Systems, Connolly, Begg Covers entire GATE syllabus and is easy to understand.
Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan Another very good book especially for Transaction management and Normalization.
Database System, Widom, Ullman, Garcia-Molina Another very good book.
Database System Concepts, Silberschatz Very good book but English is bit high standard

Operating Systems

Book Description
Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Galvin Very good for learning theory in OS. English is good to understand. Writing style is pretty easy and fun. Enough for GATE
Modern Operating Systems, Tanenbaum The Book , but if you read Galvin it is ok , read Tanenbaum for more Knowledge. It contains great number of problems. Also includes some of theory that is not included in Galvin’s book.

Theory of Computation

Book Description
An Introduction To Formal Languages And Automata, Peter Linz Most recommended one for GATE
Introduction to Theory of Computation, Sipser Sipser is a quick and comprehensive guide. It is recommended to be read after you have grip on the subject.
Introduction To Computer Theory Cohen can be read if very good detailed analysis is required. SPOON FEEDING !
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation n most colleges you will find this book as a Main book , but believe me within Cohen or Linz, if you read any one of them , Enough!

CO & Architecture

Book Description

Computer Networks

Book Description

Programming & Data Structures

Book Description
Data Structures Using C, Aaron M. Tenenbaum
The C Programming Language, Kernighan, Ritchie No comments- This is the best. To really understand the working of C, you must read this book. If you find this book tough, that means you have to correct your concepts by talking to knowledgeable people. Many local books, skips difficult to digest concepts and make easy to read books- but to get everything you have to follow this book.

Engineering Mathematics


Book Description
Introduction to Algorithms, C.L.R.S. Cormen covers entire GATE syllabus (and much more) in Algorithms as well as Data Structures. Language is simple for most part but some mathematics is required to understand the analysis parts. (This book is only for learning algorithms and theory of data structures and there is no sample programs given in it)
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Rajasekaran, Sahni, Horowitz This book is Mini version of Cormen’s book , this cover almost everything with short discussions ,which is written in Cormen with more pages.

Use this book along with NPTEL lecture of Professor Naveen Garg . Actually if u see prof Garg’s Nptel upon DS you will find slides are taken from this book. Slides are available online in the following link:

Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman Another classic book for algorithms.


Book Desciption
Database Systems, Elmasri, Navathe Covers entire GATE syllabus and especially good for file structures and normalization
Database Systems, Connolly, Begg Covers entire GATE syllabus and is easy to understand.
Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan Another very good book especially for Transaction management and Normalization.
Database System, Widom, Ullman, Garcia-Molina Another very good book.
Database System Concepts, Silberschatz Very good book but English is bit high standard

Operating Systems[edit]

Book Description
Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Galvin Very good for learning theory in OS. English is good to understand. Writing style is pretty easy and fun. Enough for GATE
Modern Operating Systems, Tanenbaum The Book , but if you read Galvin it is ok , read Tanenbaum for more Knowledge. It contains great number of problems. Also includes some of theory that is not included in Galvin’s book.

Theory of Computation[edit]

Book Description
An Introduction To Formal Languages And Automata, Peter Linz Most recommended one for GATE
Introduction to Theory of Computation, Sipser Sipser is a quick and comprehensive guide. It is recommended to be read after you have grip on the subject.
Introduction To Computer Theory Cohen can be read if very good detailed analysis is required. SPOON FEEDING !
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation n most colleges you will find this book as a Main book , but believe me within Cohen or Linz, if you read any one of them , Enough!

CO & Architecture[edit]

Book Description

Computer Networks[edit]

Book Description

Programming & Data Structures[edit]

Book Description
Data Structures Using C, Aaron M. Tenenbaum
The C Programming Language, Kernighan, Ritchie No comments- This is the best. To really understand the working of C, you must read this book. If you find this book tough, that means you have to correct your concepts by talking to knowledgeable people. Many local books, skips difficult to digest concepts and make easy to read books- but to get everything you have to follow this book.

Engineering Mathematics[edit]