The basis of this is that your ID must be in the list of authorized hosts in the server. So, for password-less login to work, generate your public key, and append it to the authorized_hosts file in the server.

  • To create a public key, from terminal do
ssh-keygen -t rsa
<fb:share-button href="" type="button_count"></fb:share-button>
  • To copy to authorized_hosts file do
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh serveruser@server 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Test by

ssh serveruser@server

If no password is asked, everything worked fine.

You can also do the following command to copy the key

ssh-copy-id serveruser@server 

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The basis of this is that your ID must be in the list of authorized hosts in the server. So, for password-less login to work, generate your public key, and append it to the authorized_hosts file in the server.

  • To create a public key, from terminal do
ssh-keygen -t rsa
<fb:share-button href="" type="button_count"></fb:share-button>
  • To copy to authorized_hosts file do
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh serveruser@server 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Test by

ssh serveruser@server

If no password is asked, everything worked fine.

You can also do the following command to copy the key

ssh-copy-id serveruser@server 
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